Looking back at 2016 in travels

The year I fell in love, got my heart broken and travelled halfway around the world. The year I worked onboard a cruise ship. The year I escaped to the Mediterranean for the Summer but managed to find my way back home before the year ends. 2016 in Numbers In 2016 I travelled to: 4 […]

Facing post-travel depression

So maybe this isn’t an official medical term. Doesn’t mean post-travel depression doesn’t exist. I’ve experienced it 3 times already. I am not being dramatic here. It doesn’t always occur, when I am super busy with university or something, I’m fine. I’ll explain it to you. So, you have been away for a reasonable amount of […]

How I travel and NOT sell all my stuff

Know the story, ‘How I sold everything I own and went backpacking’, or ‘How I quit my corporate job and went travelling’? All very cool and I have a huge amount of respect for those travellers, but this is not for me. How I still travel the world on a regular base? Without giving up my […]