The adventure bucket list of Coco Dee is an ever-changing long list of awesome things I want to do and see. This list keeps on growing and it seems like a neverending story. But there are so many awesome things to see and do in the world! This adventure bucket list is super random and […]
Full road trip itinerary: East coast of Australia

To go out with a bang in 2017, me and my friend decided on road tripping the east coast of Australia ending with New Year’s Eve in Sydney. Flying to Cairns (just in time before rain season starts), pick up our rental, which will be our baby for the next weeks, and drive along the […]
What to do when your flight is cancelled

So it happened to you too. Your flight got cancelled. Certainly, a shitty thing that can happen to anyone. I can’t undo the cancellation for you. However, I can make things run more smoothly for you, by helping you with tips on what to do when your flight is cancelled. Tips on what to do […]
Celebrating New Years in Sydney

Every year I try to be somewhere else in the world for New Years. So far I’ve spent it in the French Alps, London, Amsterdam, and in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a ship. This year was a special one. I got to celebrate it at one of the most famous places for […]
Looking back at 2016 in travels

The year I fell in love, got my heart broken and travelled halfway around the world. The year I worked onboard a cruise ship. The year I escaped to the Mediterranean for the Summer but managed to find my way back home before the year ends. 2016 in Numbers In 2016 I travelled to: 4 […]
Coco Dee’s 2017 travel bucketlist

Where to go, where to go? My bucket list is a long one. That’s not really helping. Lonely Planet has already published her Best Travels 2017. Which is really a nice inspiration. But I have to make my own itinerary. I really want to make this year an epic one! Probably this list will change […]
How I travel and NOT sell all my stuff

Know the story, ‘How I sold everything I own and went backpacking’, or ‘How I quit my corporate job and went travelling’? All very cool and I have a huge amount of respect for those travellers, but this is not for me. How I still travel the world on a regular base? Without giving up my […]
How to spend one day in Brisbane

Working onboard of a cruise ship has both sides of a story. It is absolutely amazing to see so many places and countries in such a short period. But then again, that is exactly the downside of it, the short period. It often means you only get to spend one day in a great place. […]
Wandering Solo In Sydney

So, Yeah, Sydney. Before I actually set foot on Australian land, I always wanted to go backpacking and work in Australia, like many. Travel along the coast, go work on a farm and backpack for at least 6 months. That didn’t happen. Or not yet. Instead I went working onboard of a cruise ship and […]