9 bucket list things to do in Europe

things to do in Europe

There are so many exciting things to do in Europe. This continent is super versatile with its 51 independent states. 26 countries are part of the Schengen area which means you can move freely across borders. In addition, it’s often cheap to get from one country to another. I once bought a return flight from […]

Typical things to do in the Netherlands

Typical things to do in the Netherlands

When you think of typical things to do in the Netherlands, you think of seeing tulip fields? Eating cheese? Windmills? Weed? Maybe cruising the Amsterdam canals? Most travellers don’t get any further than Amsterdam, or maybe Rotterdam. Such a shame, because the Netherlands has so many fun and other typical things to offer! Wadden Islands […]

Unique places to visit in the Netherlands

Unique places to visit in the Netherlands

There are some unique places to visit in the Netherlands, besides the usual Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The Netherlands has so much more fun things to offer. For a small country like ours, we have many different sights to explore, from rural areas to pretty beaches and the Dutch islands. Unique sights in the Netherlands Get […]

How to visit a Baltic and a scandinavian country in 1 weekend

Helsinki srprs Crew Scandinavian

A weekend in October, I found myself on my way to Finland. That morning I had no idea I would be going to Finland, not to mention Estonia in the same weekend. However, I was finding myself in this exact situation. An amazing weekend where I got to see 2 cities in a Baltic country and a Scandinavian […]

How I travel and NOT sell all my stuff

Know the story, ‘How I sold everything I own and went backpacking’, or ‘How I quit my corporate job and went travelling’? All very cool and I have a huge amount of respect for those travellers, but this is not for me. How I still travel the world on a regular base? Without giving up my […]