The year I fell in love, got my heart broken and travelled halfway around the world. The year I worked onboard a cruise ship. The year I escaped to the Mediterranean for the Summer but managed to find my way back home before the year ends. 2016 in Numbers In 2016 I travelled to: 4 […]
8 travel mistakes I’ve made

It doesn’t matter how much I travel, I’ll do stupid things and make plenty travel mistakes anyway. I consider myself an experienced traveller, but I can be an idiot. Or sometimes an idiot with bad karma. I don’t know. However, it doesn’t stop me from going anywhere I like. Although sometimes without my luggage. 1. […]
Thank You New York

I always wanted to go to New York. Like I said in previous posts, I am a city girl. Always will be. So in 2011, me and my friend Maartje finally decided to book a ticket to New York. We found really cheap tickets end of November during Thanksgiving. I happen to like turkey, so […]
Hawaï Madness!

Okay, working while travelling puts you sometimes on time pressure. So if you are just for two days on the island O’ahu, Hawaï, you better be good at time management. Especially when you are planning to jump out of a plane one of those two days. Ready? Set. Jump! A day before the ship arrives, […]