Want to find out more on Coco Dee’s food guide in Valencia? I’ve put together a list of my favourite hotspots. Every time I visit Valencia, I pay a visit to each and every one of them. Find out where I get my gorgeous smoothie bowls, where to go for dinner and where to relax […]
Coco Dee’s 8 best restaurants of Mallorca

The 8 Best Restaurants of Mallorca Travelling and food are two of my greatest passions as you might know. So how else could I not find the best restaurants of Mallorca, while I was living there. Maybe I haven’t found them all, but I sure did try! Here is my list of the 8 Best Restaurants […]
The ultimate island guide: Mallorca

Thinking of white-sanded beaches? Palm trees and clear blue water? This time I’m not describing Bora Bora or the Maldives. It never crossed my mind, but paradise is closer to home than I thought. Another spontaneous decision led me to a job on the Spanish island Mallorca. Which is jaw-droppingly gorgeous! Living on the island Mallorca, part […]
Coco Dee’s guide to Barcelona: El Born

As the title already says, this is my guide to Barcelona. Barcelona is an enormous city and if this is your first time here, some guidance might come in handy. Don’t use this as if it is written in stone, but allow yourself to explore on your own a little bit. I will just point you […]
Food truck festival of Port Adriano, Mallorca

Now, this is worth driving for almost one and a half hour with two idiots in my car (the third one was my navigator). Driving to a difficult to find, but a sophisticated port of Mallorca after dark to find the Food Truck Festival we had heard of. Port Adriano is the host of a three-day food […]
For Online Travel Guide Travelicious: ‘Road Tripping Mallorca’

As I stand still to let the bus pass, I feel my hands sweating on the wheel. Through my open window I look down into the abyss. Why do I had to do this Mallorca road trip again? Those Spaniards are driving like crazy! Shit, I have to go into reverse. There is not much […]
What To Do In Madrid in 24 Hours

I woke up fully dressed in my bed. I have no idea what is happening and I am searching for my phone. My fellow students have left for University (they’ve left me!!!) and I can’t find my phone. I notice I am still wearing my watch. I have to look twice to realize what is […]