Coco Dee Wanderlust Female Adventure Lifestyle

Coco Dee Wanderlust: Female Adventure Blog

Coco Dee Wanderlust is a Female Adventure Lifestyle blog created to inspire others to chase their dreams. This blog shows all of my travels and adventures all across the world. Crazy, stupid, insane things I have done and experienced, but also the undefined beauty of this world and the awesome people in it.

Life is too short, to not chase waterfalls

At an early age, I discovered that life is too short to sit and wait around for things to happen. I decided to take the course of my life into my own hands and I started acting on all the crazy ideas I have.

At first, I was shocked by the response I got. You know all those people who tell you, “Oh, if I only had the money, I would travel the world” or “If I hadn’t bought this house, I would have moved to Australia”? Well, those exact people will tell you that you won’t have enough money, that you need to have a job, that you’ll miss out on everything at home. I was not prepared for a number of negative reactions I got, when I started to do whatever it was I wanted to do. Just a few of them (I can count them on one hand) were sincerely happy for me and encouraged me to follow my dreams. I was stunned.

When I wasn’t home, most people would forget about me. Some of them would want me back home. Including some of my friends. Which is perfectly understandable. I missed them too. A lot. Still, I felt like I needed to chase my waterfalls, whether I would succeed of not. Despite the fact, I would miss a lot at home (and then again, it’s like time stands still at home).

The girl who does awesome things

When I’m back. People look at me as the girl who did these awesome things. They wished they’d done the same when they had the chance. Suddenly I am an example. And everybody keeps asking me when I am going again. Nobody is telling me to stay. Guys, this is confusing. Sometimes I wish I could split myself in two.

Let nobody tell you what to do!

However, what I am trying to say here, is no matter how difficult it is, how many reasons you have not to follow your dreams, do it anyway. Whether you want to start your own business, travel te world, or become a pilot. Reach for the stars and never give up. Even though so many people will try to pull you down. Do not listen to them. No matter how insecure you get. Sure I was. Take a leap of faith. And chase those waterfalls.

This is the Coco Dee Wanderlust lifestyle.

More about me.

Coco Dee Wanderlust Female Adventure Lifestyle

Shall we keep in touch? Let’s inspire each other and I’d like to know more about your adventures!

[email protected]